Friday, December 31, 2010

雙菇寬條扁粉絲扒紹菜 Mushrooms and Mungbean Noodles over Napa Cabbage

好快就黎 2011 喇, 你地準備好去迎接未呀?

2010 好嘅唔好嘅, 都好快成為過去. 成為歷史嘅新一頁.
開心嘅就繼續開心 d 啦, 唔開心嘅就要放開 d 睇開 d 喇~

新年新希望!!~ ^^


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010

檸檬蜜糖雞翼 Honey Lemon Chicken Wings

你鍾意雞鎚多 d 定係雞中翼多 d 呢?


e 個又係似足 BBQ 版雞翼, 好香口!!

1 pack 雞翼、檸檬半隻搾汁、一湯匙豉油、一湯匙砂糖、一湯匙魚露、半湯匙蒜茸粉、一茶匙薑茸

(後下: 一湯匙蜜糖)

1. 將材料放進 ziplock bag 放雪櫃醃一晚備用。
2. 預熱焗爐 to 420˚F. 焗盤鋪兩層鍚紙, 放雞翼。
3. 袋中汁料加一湯匙蜜糖撈匀, 掃於雞翼面, 入爐焗二十分鐘, 再掃蜜糖汁一次, 再焗多三分鐘, 搞掂食得。

*記得睇睇火, 個人焗爐溫度都有差嘛, 唔夠熟 or 唔夠燶就焗耐少少, 燶得滯就要減溫度囉~ 最緊要變通嘛!!~ ;P

Sunday, December 26, 2010

香蕉麵包 Banana Bread

就咁樣 2010 就黎完 lu,
時間過得好快呀! 不過 d 蕉就熟得仲快 wakaka

d 香蕉熟到發黑 lu, 食又淋zi zi, 掉咗佢又好可惜..
而且我又比較鍾意食生 d 嘅蕉~ 即係仲帶有青青地嗰 d~
有人話出咗 "梅花點" 嘅蕉最好食?? 咪搞, 我已經覺得太太太熟 haha.
咁就樣... 不如黎個 Banana Bread 啦!

雖然個名叫香蕉麵包, 不過我覺得佢似蛋糕多 d!
我用咗四大隻蕉, 夠晒蕉味~
我臨入爐前喺面仲灑咗 d 粒粒糖, 出爐即食外面脆脆地, 入面又軟軟熟, 正!~

it's very easy to make 架咋!!~ 真係送禮自奉兩相宜! ^^


2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup butter(room temperature)
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 eggs
4 ripened bananas(mashed)

*Put dry ingredients (flour, baking soda and salt) through a sifter.
* In a large bowl, beat butter and brown sugar. Stir in eggs, mashed bananas and vanilla extract until well blended. Stir flour mixture in and stir just to moisten. Pour batter into lightly greased loaf pans.
*Bake in preheated 350˚F oven for 35 minutes (for four 3x5 inch pans), or until a toothpick inserted into center of the loaf comes out clean. Let bread cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

提拉美蘇 Tiramisu 意大利芝士餅

Merry Christmas 呀!!~ ^^
我就喺 LA 放咗個 very relaxing 同好 sweet 嘅聖誕節嘞~

e 邊 d 聖誕燈飾同 HK 係無得比 (HK 嗰 d 靚好多~), 我前嗰幾年返 HK, 都係襯一係 Christmas 一係 Thanksgiving~ Thanksgiving 十一月尾嗰時就最抵, 因為 HK d Christmas Lights 已經著晒, 而機票又無 Christmas 時咁貴, 好 miss HK 嘅 Christmas 呀!!!~

今個 Christmas 我地 e 邊都唔係話好凍, 不過就天公造美, 晴天!!

之前鍾意整生蛋版嘅 Tiramisu, 因為比較正宗, 但係經過咩咩禽流感事件, 大家一聽到生蛋就耍手擰頭, e 個係熟蛋 version Tiramisu, 咁就唔驚啦~^^

5 egg yolks
3/4 cup white sugar
2/3 cup low fat milk
1 1/4 cup whipping cream
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
16 oz mascarpone cheese(room temperature)
1/2 cup strong brewed coffee(room temperature)
4 tablespoons rum
2 pack ladyfingers
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder

*In a medium saucepan, whisk together egg yolks and sugar until well blended. Stir in milk and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. Simmer for about one minute, remove from heat. Let it cool slightly and put into the fridge for about half an hour.
*Beat mascarpone cheese into yolk mixture until smooth.
*Beat whipping cream and vanilla with an electric mixer till firm peaks form, then add mascarpone mixture; combine well.
*In a small bowl, combine coffee and rum; put onto a shallow dish. Roll ladyfingers in coffee mixture and arrange into a pan/ container.
*Using a large ziploc bag, put mascarpone mixture in and cut a large corner of the bag out, squeeze over ladyfingers; sprinkle cocoa powder with a small sifter. Repeat layers. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Ready to serve.

Friday, December 24, 2010

酥皮忌廉蘑菇雞湯 Cream of Mushroom and Chicken Soup with Puff Pastry Shell

酥皮湯~ 令我諗起以前喺香港嘅馬利奧餐廳. 佢有個酥皮海皇湯好正架!
好記得當時海運大廈有一間馬利奧, 中學時期嘅我去食過酥皮海皇湯, 當然一試難忘啦~ ^^

大概幾個月前, 我問男朋友仔生日想食d 咩, 佢就提過想食酥皮湯 or Chicken Pot Pie. haha. Chicken Pot Pie 就係更加洋化嘅 comfort food. hmm.. 都係想整酥皮湯多 d, 所以就試著整俾佢食!

個忌廉蘑菇雞湯係自己 from the scratch 煲架, 好味過 Campbell's 的多多聲! 其實都唔難煮, 你都試吓啦! d 材料仲 fresh 好多 tim~ 鐘意嘅又可以落多 d 蘑菇仔~

2 packs fresh mushrooms(sliced)
1/2 onion(chopped)
4 cloves garlic
1 1/2 cup low fat milk
1/2 cup whipping cream
1 can chicken broth
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
1 potato(chopped into small cubes)
1 bunch of spinach(use the leaves only)
2 pieces of chicken(cut into small pieces)
3 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

*In a small skillet, saute chicken over medium high heat for two minutes. Set aside.
*In a large skillet, saute onions and garlic for one minute. Add mushrooms and stir-fried for two minutes. Turn off heat and wait for it to cool down a bit.
*Mix low fat milk and whipping cream in a measuring cup.
*In a blender/ food processor, puree half the mushroom mixture with milk mixture till smooth.
*In a saucepan, melt the butter over medium low heat, whisk in flour. Add mushroom puree, chicken broth, chicken, potato, spinach, black pepper, thyme and the rest of mushroom mixture from the skillet; stirring constantly, bring it to a boil, cook for about 10 minutes or until thickened.

This is the frozen puff pastry sheets that I use, by Pepperidge Farm, super convenient:

*Before you make the soup, it's recommended to put the pastry sheet out since you need to thaw it for about 45 minutes till it's easy to unfold and handle.

Prepare egg wash: beat together 1 egg + 1 teaspoon of water

Fill a bowl with cream of mushroom and chicken soup and place onto a baking sheet. Trim pastry sheet into desire size that fits your bowl. Put the pastry sheet on top of the bowl and wrap around the edge. Brush egg wash onto the pastry sheet. Bake in 400˚F preheated oven for about 15 minutes or until golden brown. Ready to serve.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

粉絲雞蓉豆腐 Tofu with Bean Vermicelli and Ground Chicken

豆腐、絞雞肉、粉絲、豉油、糖、蠔油、水、chili pepper、蔥

Friday, December 17, 2010

薑蔥焗全魚 Baked Whole Fish with Green Onions and Ginger

焗同蒸效果都係一樣~ 咁好食!!~ ;P

如果咁樣成條魚上, 去請西人食飯, 一定嚇到聽到 "I can't stand that fish!"

外國人只會食無骨嘅魚, 即係 fish filet! 食雞都係差唔多, 食白肉唔食黑肉架! 仲要無骨嗰隻~ 各人口味唔同嘛 wakaka

要和而不同咪就係咁囉! ;P

Monday, December 13, 2010

瑤柱咸瘦肉粥 Porridge with Pork and Dried Scallops

運動員嘅毅力 + 藝術家嘅想像力. 成為咗 e 個 blog 嘅精髓.

一次唔得兩次唔得, 做夠三次就一定得. 我都唔係次次煲到靚靚綿綿粥架. 上次斷估無辛苦, 煲到 d 粥好稀, haha. 今次乖 d, 用番個量杯量吓 d 份量. 就包無搞錯啦! 今次我用咗一比十一(計埋瑤柱水 d 水). がんばって!


1. 瘦肉洗淨切件用鹽醃一小時, 飛水備用。
2. 米洗淨,把水倒去,加少許油和鹽浸半小時備用。
3. 瑤柱用清水浸軟,撕開一絲絲備用。
4. 用 1:11 份量的 米:水,即一嘜米對十一嘜水.水煲滾,放瘦肉、瑤柱和薑煮十五分鐘。
5. 加入米和腐竹碎,再放一隻小匙羹,中火煲五十分鐘(要一路微滾),將瘦肉夾起切絲再回煲煲多幾分鐘, 加少許鹽食得。

Sunday, December 12, 2010

日式咖哩薯仔雞 Japanese Chicken Curry with Potatoes

日式咖哩好方便又煮一大煲, 都係用咖哩磚. 可以配牛或雞都得!
個人就鍾意用去皮去骨雞脾肉多. 加 d 薯仔, 紅蘿白 & 洋蔥. YUMMY!!~

japanese curry

Friday, December 10, 2010

朱古力爆蛋糕 Very Chocolate Cupcake

1 1/3 all-purpose flour
2/3 unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons butter
1 1/2 cup white sugar
2 eggs
3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup milk

Thursday, December 9, 2010

濕炒豬米 Stir-Fried Vermicelli with Pork, Bean Sprouts and Carrots

人地有乾炒牛河, 我就有濕炒豬米!
本來唔係諗住煮 e 個架. 不過大頭蝦解凍解錯咗豬肉.
原本想解雞脾肉整個日式 curry 嘅, hahaha. 不過唔緊要, 做事最緊要識變通嘛~
咁咪將錯就錯 lor, 黎個濕炒豬米啦~ heehee, 其實只要 enjoy 個過程, 就可以有好多喜樂架喇! ^^


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

合桃火腿波菜沙律 Ham and Walnut Spinach Salad

食唔晒 d ham, 用黎 mix salad 啦!!~
加 d candied walnut, taste very good 架!!~ ^^

glazed walnut
lemon juice
olive oil

撈撈撈撈, 搞掂!

Friday, December 3, 2010

波菜雞蓉意粉米 Orzo Pasta with Ground Chicken and Spinach

e 個係扮飯嘅意粉! wahaha

orzo pasta
ground chicken
dried parsley
black pepper
soy sauce
sea salt
garlic powder
chicken broth
shaoxing wine
olive oil

Thursday, December 2, 2010

蒜蓉紅薯蓉 Red Garlic Mashed Potatoes

男朋友仔煮嘅 mashed potatoes!
佢堅持唔用 fat free milk 架~ fat free milk 會無咁香滑 ^^

red-skinned potatoes
2% milk
dried rosemary

食薯蓉又點可以漏咗 gravy 呢?~
我用 Mc Cormick 嘅 gravy mix, 加水煮開佢. 簡單好味!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

南瓜批 Pumpkin Pie

e 個 pumpkin pie 最啱 d 唔食 cinnamon 嘅人~

Traditional 嘅 pumpkin pie, 唔單只加咗 cinnamon, 仲會有 nutmeg, ginger, 同埋 cloves 等等好多種香料. 但係 e d 香料陣味呢, 就唔係好啱某 d "香港人". haha.. so 我改咗用煉奶 and 黃糖, 都幾香架!!~ ^^

pumpkin purée
condensed milk
brown sugar
ready pie crust

個 crust, 我用咗 Ready Pie Crust 啦, 唔夠時間整咁多野嘛, 頂住檔先啦~