Thursday, May 27, 2010

手撕雞粉皮配青瓜 Hand-shredded Chicken over Mung Bean Sheets with Cucumber

最正係個醬汁!!~ 芝麻 + 花生 = yummmmmm!

Memorial Weekend is coming. 我要去 Boston. 舊地重遊, 別有一番滋味. 時光飛逝, 轉眼又好幾年. 上次去, 剛好碰上 Cow Parade, 四圍都係 d colorful cow statues, 好 cute 架! e+ 應該無左 lu. Boston, 都去過好幾次, 最喜歡係喺 Boston 食 lobster, d lobster 非常新鮮 lor.. Maine lobster 出晒名, 今次要去 Maine 行行走走睇睇, 再食食(更加)超地道的 lobster!~ 由 Boston 去 Maine, 揸車都要三個幾鐘呢~ 今晚飛喇, red eye flight. 去 Boston meet up with friends. 星期一返黎再分享啦!~ Have a great weekend!~ ;D

臨出門, 整左個手撕雞粉皮, 我用黑肉黎整(個人喜好啦~), 先醃好雞肉, 去肥去皮攞去蒸熟, 做個自家製手撕雞. YUMM!~


1. 先處理雞肉。 雞肉去皮去肥洗淨抹乾, 用豉油、鹽、糖醃過夜。
2. 乾粉皮用水浸一個小時, 切細, 放滾水中煮三分鐘, 過冷河放碟中備用。
3. 將芝麻醬、花生醬、醬油、麻油、糖和適量水撈匀, 用微波爐叮十秒左右攪匀倒在粉皮上。
4. 雞肉放碟中, 大火蒸二十分鐘左右, 攤凍, 用手撕開雞肉, 放粉皮上。
5. 青瓜洗淨切絲放雞肉上, 食時撈匀即成。

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Beef Stew 燉牛肉

A classic comfort food of all time - Beef Stew. With lots of meat and veggies, beef stew is a very traditional hearty dish that can surely warm you up. If you have a slow cooker crock pot, you can place all the ingredients in there, turn it on and let it do the work. It is extremely easy to make!

beef stew seasonings

* Peel and cut carrots, potatoes, onions and celery into pieces. Soak potatoes in water. Cut beef into cubes. Dredge beef cubes in flour.
* Brown beef in a deep pan with oil. Add beef stew seasonings and water, bring it to a boil. Cover, and simmer for an hour.
* Add carrots, potatoes, onions and celery. Cover, and simmer for another 45 minutes. Ready to serve.

Monday, May 24, 2010

麵豉雞配西蘭花 Chicken with Broccoli in Miso Sauce

日式麵豉(味噌) 豆腐湯我諗大家就食得多, 麵豉雞唔知大家有無食過呢? e 個麵豉雞加左味醂同法式芥辣, 配西蘭花特別好食!! 我本身唔係太好西蘭花 d 花, but 我食 d stems, 男朋友仔幫我食晒d 花, 又 OK 左~;P

雞肉、西蘭花、 麵豉、味醂、法式芥辣、糖、蔥、薑

1. 雞肉洗淨抹乾放密實袋。 麵豉、味醂、法式芥辣、糖撈匀做醬汁醃料, 放密實袋, 將雞肉醃過夜。
2. 薑切片、蔥切粒。 西蘭花洗淨, 用滾水煮幾分鐘, 隔水上碟。
3. 熱鑊落油爆香薑, 放雞肉爆一兩分鐘, 落埋餘下的麵豉醬汁, 加點水, 加蓋煮幾分鐘至雞熟再加蔥粒即成。

dijon mustard
white sugar
green onions

* Rinsed chicken, pat dry with paper towel, place in a ziploc bag. Mix miso, mirin, mustard and sugar, put into the ziploc bag and marinade the chicken overnight.
* Sliced ginger and green onions. Rinse broccoli, put into boiling water for several minutes, drain and place on serving plate.
* Put oil in heated pan, stir-fry the ginger. Add chicken, stir-fry for about a minute or so. Add the rest of the marinade sauce with a bit of water. Covered and simmer till chicken is well done. Add some green onions and ready to serve.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

忌廉湯餐肉螺絲粉 Fusilli Pasta with Spam in Cream of Chicken

Pasta 有好多種, 有粗有幼, 有通心嘅, 有螺絲形, 蝴蝶形, 貝殼形 etc. 有人問我, 點解 d 意大利人將 d pasta 整成咁多種唔同形狀唔同大細嘅? 我諗唔同形狀大細嘅 pasta 有唔同口感, 用來配合唔同醬汁同食材. 螺絲粉叫 Fusilli. 意大利人話 pasta 係佢地發明, 但亦有人相信呢 d 麵條, 早喺於公元一二七幾年係馬可勃羅帶入意大利嘅. 意大利有個 Museum of Pasta 位於羅馬, 都幾 interesting. 有機會去羅馬自由行就去 Museum of Pasta 睇睇!

e 個忌廉湯餐肉螺絲粉, 係男朋友仔煮架. 十個 good!!~ ^^
餐肉用左 turkey spam. 無咁肥吖嘛.

Cream of Chicken 罐頭忌廉湯、水、螺絲粉、紅蘿白、午餐肉、雜豆

1. 午餐肉切片, 紅蘿白去皮切片, 雜豆飛水。
2. 把螺絲粉放大煲水中煮六至八分鐘, 隔水備用。
3. 燒熱鑊, 煎香午餐肉, 兜起。
4. 忌廉湯放煲內加水煮滾, 放紅蘿白、雜豆同煮一會, 加午餐肉螺絲粉拌匀再煮一分鐘上碟食得。

- 煎午餐肉用易潔鑊煎就唔洗落油, 因為午餐肉會出好多油. 油上加油就好肥啦!

cream of chicken
fusilli pasta
turkey spam
mixed veggies

* Slice turkey spam. Peel and slice carrots. Blanch mixed veggies.
* Cook fusilli pasta in boiling water for 6 to 8 minutes. Drain and set aside.
* Fry turkey spam in heated pan till toasty.
* Put cream of chicken into a pot with some water and bring it to a boil. Add carrots and mixed veggies. Add turkey spam and fusilli pasta, combine well. Cook for another minute. Ready to serve.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

紅酒牛肉蘑菇螺絲粉 Fusilli Pasta with Beef and Mushrooms in Red Wine

得閒飲番杯, 對身體都好架! 可以減低心臟同埋血管等疾病啦, 又有抗氧化嘅功用. horhorhor.. 咁就梗係無人叫你係咁隊啦! 正所謂~ 飲得唔好 sai(浪費), 枝紅酒開左飲唔晒, 用黎煮餸就最啱. 白酒配海鮮, 紅酒配紅肉. 紅酒用黎煮牛肉, 個味好夾架! 煮嗰陣因為火力猛, 酒精都會揮發晒, 煮完小朋友應該都食得架!~ ;P


1. 先把螺絲粉放大煲水中煮八至十分鐘, 隔水, 放碗中備用。
2. 牛肉用紅酒、豉油、糖醃一會。 洋蔥切絲, 蘑菇用掃掃乾淨, 去蒂, 略洗備用。
3. 蘆筍洗淨切段, 出水備用。 紅酒、茄汁、唿汁、水、糖放碗中撈匀做調味醬汁備用。
4. 熱鑊落油, 先將牛肉爆至七成熟, 兜起。
5. 熱鑊落油, 先爆香蒜蓉, 加入洋蔥炒一會再加磨菇同炒, 加入調味醬汁煮至滾, 牛肉回鑊一同兜匀搞掂畢起放螺絲粉上食得。

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Strawberry Banana Smoothie

I love strawberries! This indulgent strawberry banana smoothie only takes a few minutes to make and it's totally healthy. A perfect breakfast treat. Made it in the morning for a quick, healthy meal on the go. Use ripped banana to get a sweeter taste and no white sugar is needed. It's like a strawberry milk shake without the calories.

5-6 strawberries
1 banana
1 cup skim milk

* Peel banana. Wash and cut off tops of strawberries.
* Blend banana and strawberries with milk in a blender on high until smooth. Vio-la!

Monday, May 17, 2010

忌廉湯焗雞飯 Baked Chicken with Rice in Cream of Chicken

e 個焗雞飯 with 忌廉湯係我一位好鍾意食雞嘅朋友教我整架!~^^ 好好味, 有雞有紅蘿白仲有飯. 一次過搞掂 wor! 超贊的 recipe ar !!!~ 一定要試.

雞、紅蘿白、米、Cream of Chicken 罐頭忌廉湯、Cream of Mushroom 罐頭忌廉湯、水、薑、酒

1. 先用薑汁酒塗抹雞上, 醃過夜備用。
2. 米洗淨, 放可入焗爐兜中, 加適量水。 紅蘿白去皮切件, 放米上。
3. 再把雞放紅蘿白上, 把 Cream of Chicken 和 Cream of Mushroom 淋在雞上。
4. 放入焗爐用 400˚F 焗五十分鐘即成。

Friday, May 14, 2010

煙肉蘆筍卷 Bacon Wrapped Asparagus

e 期都鐘意整 d hors d'oeuvres. heehee.. 簡單快捷. 焗爐焗嘅 bacon wrapped asparagus, 我用左 turkey bacon, 無咁肥吖嘛!~ ;P

turkey bacon

* Soak toothpicks into water to avoid burning. Wash asparagus and cut an inch off the base of the stem. Cut into 2-inch spears.
* Bring water to a boil. Simmer asparagus for about 3 minutes. Drain and set aside.
* Cut bacon stripes in half. Wrap asparagus with a piece of bacon, secure with a toothpick.
* Place onto slightly greased baking pan. Bake in a 350˚F preheated oven for about 10 minutes, then broil for 3 minutes. Ready to serve.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

紅豆冰沙 Red Bean Slush

加煉奶又得, 加椰奶, 用全脂奶又得! 我整左 e 個係 light version 紅豆冰沙, 無落花奶、煉奶 or 椰奶, 唔係舊時冰室茶餐廳飲嗰 d 黎架. 不過都好好味! 因為我鐘意紅豆. heehee~ light d, 早餐飲佢亦得!~


1. 先把紅豆煮淋, 攡凍備用。
2. 將一碗紅豆, 加一杯冰, 加一杯牛奶和半杯糖放攪拌機一同攪匀, 放杯內再放紅豆粒即成。

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

蟹肉火腿釀蘑菇 Stuffed Mushrooms with Crab and Ham

我的至愛 - 蟹肉火腿釀蘑菇!!!~ ;D
以前去 J.J. Cafe 都會叫黎食. 出去外面叫蟹肉火腿釀蘑菇都幾唔抵食架. 價錢同你叫個燴飯差唔多, 但係食唔飽人嘅. 自己整其實超容易, 只要將 d 蟹柳 & 火腿切細細粒再撈埋奇妙醬放到菇菇上攞去焗爐焗就得架喇.

蘑菇、蟹柳、火腿、bacon bits、grated cheddar cheese、奇妙醬

1. 蘑菇去蒂, 用掃掃乾淨, 用清水略沖。
2. 蟹柳、火腿切微粒, 放碗中加少許 bacon bits & 奇妙醬撈匀。
3. 把蟹柳火腿混合物釀入蘑菇中, 放已掃油焗盤上, 再加少許 grated cheddar cheese。
4. 放入已預熱的焗爐用 350˚F 焗十五分鐘左右. 再用高溫 broil 兩分鐘即成。

- 蘑菇唔好用水浸黎洗, 因為菇菇好索水架. 用個掃掃下佢再用水沖一沖就得架喇~

imitation crab meat
bacon bits
grated cheddar cheese
miracle whip

* Remove stems from mushrooms, use a brush to swipe the mushrooms clean and roughly rinse with water.
* Minced crab meat and ham. In a medium bowl, mix in bacon bits and miracle whip till well combined.
* Fill the cap of mushrooms with round spoonfuls of filling and place them onto slightly greased baking pan. Sprinkle top with grated cheddar cheese.
* Bake in 350˚F preheated oven for about 15 minutes. Broil for 2 minutes with high heat. Ready to serve.

- Fresh mushrooms don't need much cleaning and shouldn't be immersed in water. Just a couple of swipes with a brush and gently rinse will do.

Monday, May 10, 2010

香滑芒果布甸 Mango Pudding (Hong Kong Style)


五月第二個星期天是母親節, 有慶祝嗎? 一個多星期前, 寄了份遙遠的禮物給媽媽, 我和媽媽相隔一萬公里, 雖然沒有機會和媽媽慶祝, 要等到漫長夏天, 爸媽過來美國才能補祝, 但我也有常和媽媽通電話閒談和說說近況. 有時, 很羨慕有媽媽在身邊的朋友, 有媽媽照顧真好呢!~ 不過, 亦都因為離開了家, 學會了獨立, 學會照顧自己, 照顧屋企的大小事, 打理屋企, 其實, 都要花很多時間. 要善用時間, be more efficient, 就這樣 train 了出來. 因為實在太多野要做, 要處理. 所以煮飯都煮得要有效率. 始終對自己要求也高. 務求要快靚正嘛.

整左個芒果布甸, 寄著對母親的思念, 上次回港, 媽媽知道我喜歡, 就整左都幾多芒果嘅芒果布甸, 超好味!~ 佢係用啫哩粉整嘅, 我地 e 邊好難買到芒果味嘅啫哩粉, 所以我就用魚膠粉加吉士粉黎整. 都好香好滑架! 芒果布甸整法有好多, 有落蛋有唔落蛋, 有用花奶有唔用花奶, e 個布甸亦都可以整 light version. 就係唔好落 cream. 用 skim milk 代替都可以. 你地都試下啦!~ ^^


1. 將兩個芒果去皮去核切粒,加1/4杯糖放入攪拌機打成芒果醬, 另一個芒果切粒備用。
2. 魚膠粉加水開匀, 加1/4杯糖, 坐熱水攪至完全溶解, 攤凍備用。
3. 淡忌廉、花奶放大碗內混合, 畢起兩湯匙用來開吉士粉, 坐熱水攪溶。
4. 再將芒果醬、魚膠粉水、吉士奶倒入忌廉花奶中混合攪勻,倒入甜品杯, 加芒果粒於杯中, 放雪櫃雪至凝固搞掂食得。

- 唔好貪平用大大個嗰 d 墨西哥芒呀, 嗰 d 好多毛又唔夠甜, 唔夠芒果味呢~

3 mangoes
3/4 cup whipping cream
1 can evaporated milk
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
2 tablespoons gelatin
3 tablespoons custard powder

* Peel two mangoes, remove pits. Slice the flesh off, put into a blender and puree with 1/4 cup sugar. Cut the other mango into chunks.
* Combine gelatin with water and 1/4 cup of sugar in top of double boiler till completely dissolved. Let cool and set aside.
* In a large bowl, combine whipping cream and evaporated milk. Set two tablespoons of the cream mixture into another bowl and mix it with custard powder. Stir well till completely dissolved in top of double boiler.
* Mix mango puree, gelatin water and custard milk into the cream mixture. Pour into dessert cups and put into refrigerator and chill until firm.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

瑤柱冬菇扒節瓜 Fuzzy Melon with Shitake Mushrooms and Dried Scallops

尋曰參加左朋友個婚禮, 又有機會見返 d 好耐無見嘅舊朋友, 真係好開心, 更開心嘅就係, 原來有好多人一直默默支持我 e 個 blog, 成日追黎睇, 同埋有試我 d recipes 呢!~ 雖然無乜人留言, 但當我知道有人鐘意我個 blog, 真係好開心架!!~ 我會用我有限嘅時間, 盡力做我有能力做嘅野^^ thank you 晒呀!!~

瑤柱冬菇肉絲, 好好嘅配料, 用黎扒乜都得架, 扒豆腐又得, 扒節瓜又得, 好味又方便. 食多 d 瓜類, 飽肚又唔肥. 加埋瑤柱, 小餸也可以出得大堂了. 今日天氣好好, 有太陽又有微風, 我要去打 range~ 大家試下煮, 然後話我聽效果點啦!~ ^^


1. 薑切絲, 瑤柱浸軟, 冬菇浸軟去蒂切絲, 水留用。
2. 豬肉洗淨切絲, 加少許豉油、糖、麻油醃十五分鐘。
3. 節瓜去皮切件, 用滾水煮二十五分鐘左右, 畢起放碟。
4. 熱鑊落油, 爆薑片, 豬肉炒至七成熟, 放瑤柱和冬菇一起炒。
5. 加入少許瑤柱水、冬菇水和雞湯, 少許蠔油、豉油、糖兜匀。
6. 加蓋煮八分鐘埋杰生粉芡兜起搞掂放節瓜上即成。

fuzzy melon
shitake mushroom
dried scallops
soy sauce
sesame oil
oyster sauce
chicken broth

* Slice ginger. Soak dried scallops in water. Soak shitake mushrooms in water till soft, remove stems and slice into pieces.
* Rinse pork, cut into pieces. Marinade with soy sauce, sugar and sesame oil.
* Peel fuzzy melon and cut into big chucks. Boil in water for about 25 minutes. Drain and put on plate.
* Put oil into heated pan. Pan-fry ginger, then add pork and fry till medium well. Add shitake mushrooms and dried scallops, fry together.
* Add a little bit of the soaked shitake mushroom water, dried scallop water and chicken broth. Stir with oyster sauce, soy sauce and sugar.
* Cover and cook for about 8 minutes. Add some cornstarch water, stir well. Serve on fuzzy melon.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


可憐雞脾俾我去肥後再焗就變成唔靚脾兩大隻. 如果你想隻脾靚 d 就唔好好似我咁去晒 d 肥嘅部份啦, 原隻攞去焗就無問題.. 焗起黎都幾脆皮, 又唔洗炸. 記得喺焗盤上鋪張錫紙, 唔係有排洗呀!~


1. 雞脾洗淨去肥抹乾, 塗上薑汁酒放密實袋放雪櫃醃過夜。
2. 用鹽焗雞粉塗匀全隻雞脾, 再醃一會。
3. 另外於小碗中把少許油和鹽焗雞粉撈匀備用。
4. 雞脾放焗爐用 400˚F 焗大約 25分鐘, 用掃將鹽焗雞粉油塗於雞脾上再焗三分鐘即成。

- 隻脾喺入爐前越乾身越好, 個皮會脆 d

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


黎個春夏天最啱飲嘅湯. Back to the basic~ 青紅蘿白瘦肉湯, 都幾滋潤降火架!


1. 響螺片用清水沖乾淨浸一會剪細, 青、紅蘿白去皮切件備用。
2. 蜜棗及南北杏用清水略沖洗。
3. 瘦肉洗淨出水, 再用清水沖淨備用。
4. 將一大煲水煲滾, 放入瘦肉、響螺片煲十五分鐘。
5. 放入所有材料大火煲十五分鐘, 轉慢火煲兩小時即成。

Monday, May 3, 2010


終於俾我等到喇~ 瘋狂地對左幾個月 d 數字, 係時候 balance 一下. haha.. OT 完幾個月的會計大師, 我的私人幕後大廚, 終於出場了!!!~ 今次 e 個叉燒菜圃煎蛋係男朋友仔煮嘅. 勁好食 lor! wakaka~ 食譜如下, 大家都試下煮啦~ ^^


1. 叉燒、蔥切粒, 雞蛋放大碗中打匀備用。
2. 菜圃放清水中浸一會隔水備用。
3. 白鑊將菜圃炒至乾身, 兜起, 燒熱油再把菜圃回鑊加少許糖炒香, 再加叉燒粒一起炒匀。
4. 蔥粒加入蛋漿中攪匀, 倒入鑊中, 弄成圓形, 用中火煎至兩面金黃即成。
