Friday, April 30, 2010

梅菜蒸肉餅 Steamed Ground Pork with Preserved Veggie

最方便就係將 d 材料撈撈撈匀晒攞去蒸, 搞掂! e 個餸好快手就食得. i like.~ ;P


1. 梅菜洗淨, 用清水浸半小時, 揸乾水切細加少許糖, 醃十五分鐘備用。
2. 絞豬肉加豉油、糖搞匀; 再加少許雞湯和水搞匀。
3. 加入梅菜拌勻。
4. 放淺碟中用大火隔水蒸大約十五分鐘搞掂。

preserved veggie
ground pork
soy sauce
chicken broth

* Rinse preserved veggie, soak in water for about half an hour. Drain and wring out, cut into little pieces. Marinade with sugar for about 15 minutes.
* Marinade ground pork with soy sauce and sugar, mix well. Add a little bit of chicken broth and water, combine well.
* Mix together ground pork and preserved veggie.
* Put onto a plate and steam over high heat for about 15 minutes. Ready to serve.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

蘿白絲煎薄罉 with tonkatsu sauce

用唔晒 d 蘿白絲, 咁點算好呀..? hmmm.. 就整個蘿白絲煎餅啦! very easy to make ga ja. Looks like chinese okonomiyaki ne.. haha

蘿白、蝦米、蔥、鹽、麵粉、水、semi-sweet tonkatsu sauce

1. 蘿白去皮刨絲, 蔥切粒, 蝦米用清水浸一會備用。
2. 麵粉放碗內加水開稀攪匀, 加蘿白絲、蔥粒、蝦米和少許鹽攪匀。
3. 熱鑊落油, 將麵糊放鑊內用中火煎至兩面金黃, 上碟, 加少許 tonkatsu sauce 食得。

dried shrimps
green onions
semi-sweet tonkatsu sauce

* Peel and shred turnips. Cut green onions into pieces. Soak dried shrimp in water for a while.
* Mix water and flour in a bowl. Stir in turnips, green onions, dried shrimp and salt.
* Put oil in heated pan, pour batter onto pan and fry over medium heat till both sides turn brown. Remove from pan, drizzle tonkatsu sauce on top. Ready to serve.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

XO醬蘿白絲 Medallions

經濟唔好, 都少左好多人打 golf. 始終 golf 都係 d 可有可無的東西. U.S. office e 邊又走了一個. 總共貢獻了十二年了的光陰, 總共, 係因為公司員工都興中途離場再歸隊. 真係好奇怪的公司. 唔知佢今次一走, 會唔會過幾年又返黎呢? ;T

今次整左個非一般的蘿白絲魚肉煎餅, 辣辣地, 幾醒胃!

蘿白、魚漿、絞豬肉、豉油、糖、鹽、胡椒粉、chili pepper、XO醬、雞湯、生粉、水

1. 蘿白去皮刨絲備用。
2. 魚漿加鹽、胡椒粉、chili pepper攪匀, 絞豬肉加少許豉油、糖攪匀。
3. 混合魚漿和絞豬肉。
4. 蘿白絲放魚漿絞豬肉攪匀, 用手搓成球狀壓扁做迷你扒。
5. 熱鑊落油, 把蘿白餅煎至兩面金黃, 加少許XO醬、豉油、糖、雞湯、水, 加蓋煮五分鐘。
6. 再加生粉水埋芡搞掂。

fish paste
ground pork
soy sauce
chili pepper
XO sauce
chicken broth
corn starch

* Peel and shred turnips.
* Add salt, pepper and chili pepper into fish paste, mix well. Add soy sauce and sugar into ground pork, mix well.
* Combine fish paste and ground pork.
* Mix fish paste, ground pork and shredded turnips together till well combined. Mold into round medallion shape like mini patties by hand.
* Put oil in heated pan. Fry turnip patties until both sides turn brown. Add some XO sauce, chicken broth and water. Cover and simmer for about 5 minutes.
* Add corn starch water, combine well. Ready to serve.

Monday, April 26, 2010

紅豆砵仔糕 Hong Kong Style Red Bean Pudding

我要黃色~ 多 d 豆吖唔該!~
好懷念香港特式小食: 砵仔糕呀! 次次返 HK 都會叫阿媽去開街市買俾我食. 個人認為砵仔糕係要多豆、 夠煙韌同埋夠彈牙先至好食. 美國 d 紅豆煲紅豆沙就無 HK 嗰 d 咁起沙, 但用黎整砵仔糕就 OK 嘞, 因為唔易煮散晒嘛.
由於太想食, 於是手痕痕開工動手整. 我加左黑糖, 令個糕隻色深 d, 食落又香 d. 正!
好滿足呀!~ ;)

粘米粉 100g、澄麵 30g、馬蹄粉 20g、糯米粉 25g、片糖 60g、黑糖 50g、水兩杯、紅豆適量

1. 紅豆洗淨先用滾水浸焗一小時,再煮二十分鐘放真空煲焗一晚備用。
2. 粘米粉、澄麵、馬蹄粉和糯米粉放大碗內混合。
3. 片糖、黑糖和水煮至完全溶解, 襯熱分次撞入粉內,邊撞邊攪勻。
4. 小碗放蒸架上跟水一起蒸熱, 水滾後把粉漿倒入小碗中,快手加入紅豆,加蓋大火蒸大約二十分鐘。
5. 待涼一會後,用竹籤把缽仔糕拮出, 食得。

- 蒸時鑊中的水要夠多, 火要夠猛, 才能蒸出靚靚砵仔糕

100g rice flour
30g wheat starch
20g water chestnut starch
25g glutinous(sticky) rice flour
60g raw brown sugar
50g dark brown sugar
2 cups water
red beans

* Soak red beans in boiling water, covered, for an hour. Then simmer for 20 minutes, put into thermos vacuum cooker overnight.
* In a large bowl, combine rice flour, wheat starch, water chestnut starch and sticky rice flour.
* Boil raw brown sugar and dark brown sugar with water till completely dissolved. Stir into flour mixture little at a time (divide a few times to stir in).
* Place small bowls onto steaming rack and let heat up with water. Bring water to a boil, pour mixture into small bowls, quickly add red beans. Cover and steam for about 20 minutes.
* Let cool for a bit. Use bamboo skewers to remove the pudding from bowl.

- Make sure steaming over high heat with a nice amount of water to get better consistency pudding.

Friday, April 23, 2010


男朋友仔扭親腳踝又唔肯睇鐵打, 於心不忍, 又記得田七有活血化瘀功效. 便諗住試下煲俾佢飲, 希望佢飲完我個愛心靚湯快 d 好返啦! 放左工去左德成行逛一轉, 買左盒十二倆嘅田七, 誠為 USD$50 吖唔該~ 散買就仲唔抵.. 好就好在 e d 乾貨可以擺得耐, so 我就買左成盒啦. 可以煲多幾次. 邊做邊學, 邊學邊做. 好多野我都唔識, 我都係上網搵資料 and 周圍問人 ga ja.. 一齊交流&硏究下..


1. 黑木耳用清水浸軟切塊, 田七、黑棗、陳皮沖淨備用。
2. 薑切片, 瘦肉洗淨切件飛水, 再用清水沖淨備用。
3. 將一大煲水煲滾, 放入所有材料, 先用大火煲十五分鐘, 再轉慢火煲兩小時即成 。

Thursday, April 22, 2010

冬菇肉絲扒豆腐 Tofu with Pork and Shitake Mushroom

公司又有人事&工作分配調動, 一團亂呢~
買唔到嫩豆腐 tim, 滑豆腐都好啦, 仲無咁易散, 最啱 for 帶飯.
我將個汁煮濃 d, 個芡埋杰 d, 因為預左豆腐會出水嘛.
e 個扒豆腐清清地, 都幾好, 我地要開始食番 d 清 d 嘅野 lu~


1. 薑切絲, 冬菇浸軟去蒂切絲, 留冬菇水備用。
2. 豬肉洗淨切絲, 加少許豉油、糖、麻油醃十五分鐘。
3. 豆腐放碟內滾水蒸十分鐘左右, 倒去豆腐水, 備用。
4. 熱鑊落油, 爆薑絲, 爆豬肉灒酒炒至七成熟, 下冬菇絲同炒。
5. 加入浸冬菇的水, 少許蠔油、豉油、糖兜匀。
6. 加蓋煮六至八分鐘埋生粉芡兜起搞掂放豆腐上即成。

1 block tofu
shitake mushroom
soy sauce
white sugar
sesame oil
oyster sauce
shaoxing wine

* Cut ginger into slices. Soak shitake mushroom into water till soften. Remove stems and cut into slices. Save the water for later use.
* Rinse pork, cut into pieces. Marinade with a little soy sauce and sugar for about 15 minutes.
* Steam tofu in boiling water for about 10 minutes. Drain and set aside.
* Put oil into heated pan, firstly fry in ginger, then add in pork, sprinkle a little bit shaoxing wine, stir fry till medium well. Stir in shitake mushroom, stir fry together.
* Add some mushroom water, a little bit oyster sauce, soy sauce, and sugar; combine well.
* Cover with lid, simmer for 6 to 8 minutes. Thicken up the sauce with cornstarch water. Serve on top of tofu.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

香滑蒸水蛋 Steamed Egg

時晴時陰, 好飄忽喔! 這幾天, 在洛杉磯的天空, 都會有雨下. 我都喜歡下雨; 下雨, 給人一種浪漫的感覺. 很舒服. 能夠放鬆腳步欣賞世界, 我為此而感恩. 看似平常, 但不是不尋常. 看似容易, 實是不容易. 材料簡單, 火喉難握. 蒸水蛋, 是一道看似容易的菜式. 要做得滑做得靚需要一點時間, 一點心思. 要拿揑得準確, 便是經驗之談. 我還在實驗階段呢, 在蛋中加了牛奶, 好滑, 有點像 chinese cream brulée. 都唔錯架. ;)

雞蛋四隻、雞湯 3/4 罐、牛奶兩湯匙、鹽適量

1. 打散雞蛋, 加雞湯、牛奶、鹽拌勻。
2. 隔走泡泡, 放淺碟內包保鮮紙中火, 用筷子隔著鍋蓋蒸十至十五分鐘即成。

4 eggs
3/4 can chicken broth
2 tablespoons milk

*Combine chicken broth, milk, and salt into whisked eggs.
*Remove bubbles. Pour into a shallow dish and wrap with a piece of plastic wrap. Put a pair of chopsticks between the pot and lid. Steam over medium heat for 10 to 15 minutes .

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

雞絲火腿炒烏冬 Pan-fried Udon with Chicken and Ham

Be more assertive.
肯定不代表不友善, 決斷不代表無理. 在善和惡中間, 要用忠懇的態度去表達自己的觀點和想法, 是一個要用心用意去做的課題. 不偏不綺, 立場堅定, 就好像教小朋友一樣, 小朋友要的 direction 是要清清楚楚, it isn't about maybe this or maybe that.

善 <-------------- assertive --------------> 惡

Kind yet being firm. To be firm is to be certain, definite, and determined. It is also being loving, kind and calm.

雪櫃還有兩包鳥冬, 用來煮什麼好呢? 又不太想做湯烏冬, 於是乎就地取材, 雪櫃有什麼便用什麼, 存貨還有雞有火腿有蛋有紅蘿白, 就決定來個雞絲火腿炒烏冬! 你喜歡用什麼材料炒也可以啦, 喜歡吃什麼下什麼材料都是個人喜好. 我分享我的做法, 如果可以令你有煮餸靈感的話, 已經是成功了!

烏冬兩包、雞蛋兩隻、冬菇、雞脾肉、火腿、紅蘿白、豉油、糖 、鹽 、薑 、蒜、麻油各適量

1. 薑切片 、蒜切粒, 冬菇用清水浸軟切絲, 火腿切條, 紅蘿白切片/條。
2. 雞脾洗淨起肉切細, 用少許豉油及糖醃十五分鐘備用。
2. 雞蛋加鹽打勻, 煎熟,取起切條。
3. 熱鑊落油, 爆香雞絲, 加入火腿、冬菇及紅蘿白炒至軟身。
4. 加入烏冬, 少許豉油及糖炒勻,加入麻油拌勻。
5. 最後拌入蛋條,搞掂上碟。

Monday, April 19, 2010


中式老火湯, 其實一 d 都唔難整, 基本上把材料要洗的洗淨, 要去肥的去肥, 再一同放煲內文火煲兩小時即成. 今次煲左個海底椰羅漢果瘦肉湯, 海底椰潤肺清燥熱, 羅漢果化痰止咳, 紅蘿蔔清腸胃. 好啱 d 成日要捱夜嘅人飲. 好開心, 終於俾我等到, 四月十五又過了. 男朋友仔唔洗再捱夜捱到三四點. 可以慢慢正常番, 真係可喜可賀!~


1. 乾瑤柱用清水浸軟, 紅蘿白切件備用。
2. 羅漢果洗淨分開兩邊, 海底椰、蜜棗及南北杏用清水略沖洗。
3. 雞腿去皮去肥洗淨, 瘦肉洗淨一同出水, 再用清水沖淨備用。
4. 將一大煲水煲滾, 放入所有材料, 先用大火煲十五分鐘, 再轉慢火煲兩小時即成 。

- 肉類要先出水去除血水和油膩, 煲出的湯會清 d
- 雞腿、蜜棗、乾瑤柱可以唔落都得, 落左 d 湯就鮮 d 甜 d
- 先用大火煲, 再轉細火; 如果喜歡飲咸 d 嘅湯, 煲好後加鹽調味

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

粟米龍脷柳 Fish Fillet with Cream Corn

粟米龍脷夠香口又啖啖肉, 大小朋友都好鍾意食! 不過就比較麻煩, 因為要沾蛋汁又要煎煎炸. 我都好怕係屋企煎野同炸野, 一黎怕佢肥膩, 二黎怕成間屋都油煙味. 就算開左抽油煙機, 都一定要開窗通下風, 仲要記得關房門呀, 雖然間房喺二樓! ;P

間唔中整下都幾 OK.. 我嘅做法係喺蛋汁度加左七味唐からし同埋蒜蓉芫茜粉, 香口惹味 d 同埋癖咁 d 鯹. 最正係個汁, 最好同個龍脷柳分開上, 食嗰陣先畢 d 汁喺面, 咁樣送飯一流. 粟米汁又甜又滑又有蛋香呢!


1. 龍脷柳解凍, 切件洗淨, 用 paper towel 印乾水份, 塗抹少許鹽、胡椒粉於龍脷柳上, 備用。
2. 生粉放碟備用; 雞蛋一隻先打匀, 加入少許七味唐からし、蒜蓉芫茜粉拌勻放平底碗備用。
3. 熱鑊落油, 比平時多少少油, 龍脷柳沾上蛋汁, 再撲上生粉, 逐一落鑊半煎炸至金黃, 兜起。
4. 粟米蓉放細煲內加雞湯煮滾, 加入另一隻雞蛋攪拌成蛋花, 加少許鹽打薄芡搞掂。

- 煎時唔好反太多次, 每塊最多反三次好喇, 睇實個火就 OK, 如果唔係 d 魚塊好易散.
- 油要夠熱同埋唔好同一時間放好多塊落鑊, 如果唔係 d 油嘅溫度急降, d 魚塊就會好吸油.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Strawberry Cheesecake Bar

時間用在那裡, 看得見。 心機花在那裡, 也看得到。 有時, 為了一份愛而付出, 也是值得的。 有能力地去付出, 是一種福氣。 因為, 還擁有。 擁有得能給點別人的份量。 你, 最喜歡數算的是什麼? 是在海邊散步時抬頭望見天上的星星? 是睡不著時合上眼意圖看見再多的綿羊? 還是似看還看的雞毛蒜皮芝麻綠豆? 相信, 最令人值得數算的, 不是星星, 不是綿羊, 更加不是芝麻綠豆; 而是恩典。 當能做到為凡事而感恩的時候, 也許便沒有空間再去埋怨了。 只因, 空間有限。

甜、酸、苦、辣, 如果有得選擇, 你會選哪一樣呢?

8 oz cream cheese
1/3 cup whipping cream
1/3 cup sour cream
3/4 cup white sugar
1 egg
1 tablespoon flour
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon lemon juice
2 tablespoon strawberry jam
2 tablespoons butter
1 1/3 cup graham cracker crumbs

* In a bowl, melt butter in microwave. Mix in graham cracker crumbs.
* Press graham crumb mixture firmly onto bottom of pan. Bake for 5 minutes in 350˚F preheated oven. Let cool.
* In a large mixing bowl, beat cream cheese and sugar until light and fluffy.
* Gradually beat in sour cream, whipping cream, vanilla extract and lemon juice; mix well.
* Add egg, sift in flour; beat on low just till combined (Do not over mix).
* Pour mixture into prepared pan. Drop in strawberry jam by spoonfuls over batter. With a toothpick, run through top layer to gently swirl around the strawberry jam.
* Reduce oven temperature to 320˚F, bake for about 30 minutes. Let cool for 10 minutes. Carefully run a knife around the edge of pan to loosen. Cool completely, refrigerate overnight. Serve with strawberries and whipped cream.

- Pre-baked graham cracker crumb mixture will give you a crunchier crust.
- All ingredients should be in room temperature before combine together.
- Do not over mix cream cheese mixture or it will cause cracking. You can use a water bath to create a moist environment for the baking process as well.
- Loosely cover cheesecake with aluminum foil paper for the last 10 minutes baking of cheesecake, it can prevent the top to brown and dry too fast.
- You can puree frozen strawberries in a blender, cook and stir in a sauce pan with a teaspoon of cornstarch till thickened to make the strawberry sauce instead of the jam. Even better!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

椰汁芋頭炆雞鎚 Coconut Paste Chicken Drummies with Taro


1. 薑、蒜切片, 芋頭解凍洗淨。
2. 雞鎚仔洗淨滴乾水, 用少許豉油、糖、鹽醃一晚備用。
3. 熱鑊落油, 爆香薑片蒜片, 加雞鎚煎至金黃七成熟, 灒酒兜匀。
4. 加入芋頭, 加水、雞湯煮滾, 用中火炆大約五至十分鐘。
5. 最後加入椰漿輕手拌勻, 煮滾, 打少許生粉芡, 搞掂。

- 芋頭我用急凍的, 方便好食, 好快炆得淋
- 椰漿要後下, 煮太耐過左火喉就唔香了

1 pack chicken drummies
1 bag taro
1/3 cup coconut paste
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup chicken broth
soy sauce
white sugar
shaoxing wine

* Slice ginger and garlic into pieces. Defrost taro, rinse with water, drain and set aside.
* Rinse chicken drummies, drain well. Marinade with soy sauce, white sugar and salt overnight.
* Put oil in heated pan, stir-in ginger and garlic. Pan-fry chicken drummies till brown and medium well. Sprinkle in shaoxing wine, fry and mix well.
* Add taro, water and coconut paste, bring to a boil. Simmer over medium for about 5 to 10 minutes.
* Add coconut paste, gently stir, bring to a boil. Stir in cornstarch water, done.

- Frozen taro is what I used, it's convenient and easy to cook
- Coconut paste needs to be added last, the aroma will fade if overcooked

Friday, April 9, 2010

鰻魚飯 Unagi-don うなぎどん

在家焗鰻魚, 當然沒有蓬萊軒炭燒的好吃(不能比較吧~). 但也大概可以滿足一些情意結. 就是簡單一餐, 買經已處理好的 frozen 鰻魚解凍, 再放焗爐焗大約 18分鐘左右, 加一些鰻魚醬料, 方便快捷. 有心思的話還可以煎薄薄蛋片, 切成絲, 放飯中一起吃. Oishikatta desu!

正在掛念名古屋蓬萊軒無敵激好味的 ひつまぶし鰻魚飯定食. 它, 是一道在名古屋非吃不可的東西. 它, 好味的程度勘稱: 若沒有吃過蓬萊軒的鰻魚飯,別說吃過鰻魚飯. XD

還記得由東京坐新幹線到名古屋看 Smap 演唱會, 再去蓬萊軒吃非一般的鰻魚飯, 教人一直念念不忘. 在日本坐新幹線過省不便宜, 計劃好, 可以預早買張 JR pass, 就比較化算. 由東京坐新幹線到名古屋差不多一個多小時. 還算不錯啦~

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Steel cut oatmeal with egg white, banana and brown sugar

Oatmeal is good for you, I think we all know that. However, I'm not a fan of instant, quick 1-minute, nor old-fashioned rolled oatmeal like the Quakers you usually find on the shelves in grocery stores. If you dislike rolled oatmeal like I do, you WILL like steel cut oatmeal! After my first try of steel cut oatmeal awhile ago at Jamba Juice when they had a promotion introducing the new slow cook oatmeal on the menu, I fell in love at first bite. XD It got a chewy, dense, al dente texture and a nutty taste which rolled oatmeal does not have. It is full of flavor itself and I found it is best served with sliced banana and brown sugar on top. Eat it fairly hot and consume before the sugar is completely melted. That's the oatmeal you would call Breakfast!

1/2 cup steel cut oats
2 cups of water
1 egg white

* Bring water to a boil, stir in oats.
* Simmer uncovered over low heat for 25 minutes. Stir occasionally.
* Stir in egg white, gently mix together. Cook for one minute.
* Turn off heat and put lid on. Let stand for 10 minutes.
* Sprinkle brown sugar on top and serve with sliced banana.

It is worth the time cooking and it tastes even better the next day. Put the cooked oatmeal in a bowl and just place a piece of plastic wrap directly onto the oatmeal. Reheat it in microwave in the morning, then add banana and brown sugar. Vio-la!~

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu

Super easy semi-homemade mabo tofu~
豆腐營養豐富, 是低卡低脂高蛋白質的食物. 從非肉類中攝取蛋白質, 今次整左懶人牌麻婆豆腐飯. 最啱我地 d 要返全職工又無乜時間見洗嘅人. 整野食其實唔難, 但要整得又快又靚又好食, 先至係最難. 目標係要符合經濟原則, 有效率同埋帶來滿足感. 自問自己只係鐘意整 e 樣, 整嗰樣. 而從整野食當中, 可以得到減壓嘅效益同埋滿足感, 就已經足夠讓人繼續整.


1. 先用豉油、糖醃豬肉十五分鐘, 豆腐、蔥切粒備用。
2. 熱鑊下油, 爆香豬肉, 用鑊鏟搞散豬肉, 加麻婆豆腐汁料煮滾。
3. 加豆腐, 輕手兜匀, 慢火煮五分鐘, 加蔥粒搞掂。

Saturday, April 3, 2010

日本抺茶豆腐布丁 Matcha Tofu Jello (Japanese Style Pudding)

喜歡日本。 懷念在日本生活的日子。
最深刻的, 是從大小的人和事裡, 感受那份細緻與嚴緊, 禮與誠並存的文化。 美輪美奐的包裝設計, 學到的已吸收了, 在消化了之後, 長存在健忘的骨子裡, 一再奢望可以再到日本住三頭半個月。 奢望, 是不踏實的源頭。 去年回港, 有幸在東京停站, 逗留了數天, 有機會和以前實習時的老板和同事相見, 一起回顧往事, 原來轉眼, 已經幾個年頭了。 奢望, 是不甘心的終結。這趟一行, 把現實拉近了一點。懷念, 永遠是美好的。若有值得令人懷念的東西, 也是因為曾經擁有或經歷過, 那就好好把它放回屬於它的地方吧!

今次弄了和風布丁, 健康清新。用豆腐製成甜品, 質感獨特, 滑而不漏, 是近期榜上有名的甜品!

抺茶粉 8 茶匙、豆腐 400 克、砂糖 6 湯匙、脫脂奶 500ml、淡忌廉 200ml、魚膠粉 5 茶匙、水 4 湯匙

1. 抺茶粉、豆腐用攪拌機打成漿, 倒入大碗。
2. 水、魚膠粉放細碗拌勻, 隔熱水坐熱攪至完全溶解。
3. 脫脂奶、淡忌廉放煲內用中火煮至香滑(不用滾)。
4. 將忌廉牛奶慢慢加入抺茶豆腐中攪匀。
5. 加入魚膠粉水, 拌匀, 隔去面頭的泡泡。
6. 放入甜品杯放雪櫃雪至凝固, 即成。

Friday, April 2, 2010

朱古力香蕉布甸蛋糕 Chocolate Banana Pudding Cake

Healthified dessert 耍整得好食之餘又要減 rich flavor 的食材, 真係一大挑戰. 今次 e 個蛋糕, 我就用左 apple sauce 取替 butter, splenda + honey powder 黎取替 sugar, 同埋用左 cocoa powder 黎攞個古古力味~ 比較健康而又不失美味. e 個布甸蛋糕中間好 moist, 軟熟得黎又有少少彈牙嘅感覺, 幾好口感! 古古力粉又香又濃, 加埋香蕉, 係一個好好嘅配搭. 整 e 個蛋糕最緊要係要先分開粉類同非粉類黎搞匀, 然後再混合一起. 今次為左 flavor, 用左好多材料, 去平衡 splenda 個 after-taste, 係值得嘅!~ 早餐食佢都幾好~ ;P

1 cup flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder
2 tablespoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup splenda
1/3 cup honey powder
2 large banana (mashed)
1 egg
1/4 cup sour cream
1/4 cup unsweetened apple sauce
2 teaspoon vanilla extract
raw rock sugar
sliced almond

* Combine flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, salt, splenda and honey powder in a medium bowl.
* In a separate bowl, mix together egg, sour cream, apple sauce, vanilla extract and banana.
* Stir banana mixture into flour mixture, mix well. Pour batter into prepared muffin cups. Sprinkle a little bit raw sugar and sliced almonds on top.
* Bake in 375˚F preheated oven for 25-28 minutes (depends on the size of muffin cups) or until a toothpick inserted into center of muffin and comes out clean.