Wednesday, June 2, 2010

蕃茄洋蔥西芹碎牛意粉 Thin Spaghetti with Ground Beef, Onions and Celery in Tomato Sauce

我返黎喇!!~ ;) Long weekend 假期就咁就完結了. 真係唔捨得都唔得. e+ 開始 plan 下個假期的計劃. 努力工作, 為了有更好的生活嘛.. 無論你嘅職業係乜, 做得開心就固然係好得要感恩, 但如果做得唔開心嘅, 就要從唔開心中找開心了. 因為無論在那裡做事, 都會有遇到問題或唔如意嘅地方. 環境不變, 別人不變, 可以改變的, 是自己的心態和想法.. 廚房, 對我黎講, 係一個幫我減壓的地方. 如何煮得最省時不費力, 是我最喜歡硏究的東西, hahahaa.. 至於好唔好食喇喎, e d 野好主觀嘅啫, 我覺得好食, 可能你覺得唔好食; 你覺得好食時, 可能我又會話唔好食, 所以, 好食就食多 d, 唔好食就食少 d, 教小朋友都係一樣啦, 唔好太遷就, 唔係寵壞晒, 到佢地大個時就慘了.. ;)

紅汁蕃茄洋蔥西芹肉醬意粉, 港式得黎都唔係幾港式~ ;P


1. 幼意粉用一大煲水煮五分鐘, 隔水備用。
2. 絞牛肉用豉油、糖、雞粉、蒜蓉莞茜粉, 加點水搞匀, 醃一會。 洋蔥、西芹切粒。
3. 熱鑊落油, 先將蒜蓉爆香, 再落洋蔥同爆, 炒一分鐘兜起。
4. 熱鑊落油, 爆香絞牛肉, 邊煎邊用鑊鏟整碎, 炒至五成熟, 加蕃茄粒和蕃茄醬, 洋蔥、西芹回鑊, 加點水, 加蓋煮滾再炆四分鐘左右, 搞掂兜起上碟。

thin spaghetti
ground beef
1 can diced tomato
1 can tomato sauce
minced garlic
soy sauce
white sugar
chicken broth powder
garlic parsley powder

* Cook thin spaghetti in boiling water for about 5 minutes. Drain and set aside.
* Marinade ground beef with soy sauce, white sugar, a bit of chicken broth powder, garlic parsley powder and some water. Dice onions and celery.
* Put oil in heated pan, add garlic, stir fry and add onions. Fry for a minute and remove from pan.
* Put oil in heated pan, add ground beef, cut into little pieces by the blade of spatula, fry till medium well. Add diced tomato and tomato sauce. Onions and celery back to the pan, add some water, cover, bring to a boil and simmer for about 4 minutes. Ready to serve.

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