Wednesday, June 30, 2010

南瓜鬆餅 Pumpkin Muffin

好似帶左 3D 眼鏡睇嘅 muffin! LOL

佢話: oh.. 乜 Halloween 了嗎? ;P
我話: 乜淨係 Halloween 期間先至可以食南瓜做嘅食物架咩? ;P

done done done DONE~ here's the delicious version of pumpkin muffin!! 南瓜營養價值豐富, 胡蘿蔔素高, 好有益架!~

我 e 個 pumpkin muffin 無落 cinnamon, 無落 nutmeg, 都無落 allspice; 用煉奶去帶個甜味, 好明顯係迎合香港人口味嘅 fusion muffin!!~ ^^

1 cup pumpkin puree
2 eggs
3/4 can condensed milk
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup cream
1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup butterscotch morsels

Monday, June 28, 2010

手撕雞沙律 Chinese Chicken Salad

今次整左生菜手撕雞沙律, 健康好味!~ 嗰日去 grocery store 見到 roasted chicken on sale, 一大隻特價左只需要 USD$3.xx 大洋. 超抵, 三個幾, 買隻生雞都唔得啦, 何況仲要焗埋 bor!~ 唔買好似對唔住自己, wakakaka~ ;P

先將雞脾雞翼征服, 然後將其餘 d 白肉拆出黎, 用黎拌沙律, 超正!~ 再加 d 橙仔呀, 杏仁片呀, dried cranberries 呀 等等, 隨意發揮, YUM YUMM.. 你地都試下整啦!!~

roasted chicken
mandarin oranges
dried cranberries
toasted almond slices
crispy noodles
Asian toasted sesame dressing

Friday, June 25, 2010

朱古力蛋糕 Chocolate Muffin

1 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
2 eggs
1 cup white sugar
3/4 stick butter
1 cup sour cream
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 cup cocoa powder

* In a medium bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cocoa powder; mix well.
* In a large bowl, melt butter in microwave; let cool. Add eggs and sour cream; mix well. Add dry ingredients all at once; stir just until dry ingredients are moistened.
* Line baking pan with liners, fill cups 2/3 full. Bake in 350˚F preheated oven for 18-20 minutes. Cool for 2 minutes before removing from pan.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


係栗子炆去骨雞脾肉先啱!!~ ^^

我愛栗子. 如果有糖炒栗子就好 lu~ haha.. e+ 無糖炒栗子, 食住急凍栗子先啦!!~ 急凍栗子好方便, 啱晒我 e d 懶人.


1. 雞肉洗淨用豉油、糖醃一陣備用。
2. 薑切片, 蔥切段。栗子烚至八成熟, 瀝乾水備用。
3. 熱鑊落油, 爆香薑, 落雞肉炒炒炒, 灒酒兜匀, 加蠔油、豉油、糖、水, 栗子回鑊煮滾再炆十分鐘加蔥兜匀埋芡搞掂食得。

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


e 個魚湯 d 味好鮮甜呀!!~ 豆腐又勁滑, 我仲加左樣新野: 米片~ 食落好似腸粉咁架(唔係粟米片呀!!! 係 Rice Flakes.. heehee) 一塊塊四四方方細細地幾好. 淨係食 e 個砂鍋魚頭豆腐都飽 lu~ 唔洗煮飯. 不過小心睇骨喎 ;)


1. 魚頭洗淨抹乾,用鹽&胡椒粉醃一陣。
2. 薑切片, 蔥切段, 豆腐切件備用。
3. 魚頭印乾水份, 撲上麵粉, 熱鑊落油, 煎魚頭至兩面金黃, 灒少許紹酒兜起。
4. 煮滾半煲水加薑加雞粉、豉油、蠔油、糖&少許紹酒, 放魚頭煮滾後再中慢火炆十五分鐘。 放豆腐、蔥段、米片再滾十分鐘搞掂食得。

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

咖哩薯仔雞翼 Curry Chicken Wings with Potatoes

又出咖哩? 係囉, 都話要煮埋 d 咖哩汁咯..! ;P 唔好嘥(浪費) 吖嘛~
出埋今次應該會隔一排先出喇.. heehee.. 咖哩同埋雞翼薯仔, 真係好夾! 好好味呀!~


1. 雞翼洗淨抹乾用紹酒、豉油、糖醃過夜備用。
2. 薑切片。 薯仔去皮切件浸開水備用。 洋蔥切件備用。
3. 熱鑊落油, 爆香薑片, 煎雞翼至兩邊金黃兜起。
4. 熱鑊落油, 爆香洋蔥、薯仔。 雞翼回鑊, 加水&咖哩汁煮滾後再炆十五分鐘左右搞掂食得。

- 熱鑊落油, 炒香咖哩粉&黃薑粉, 遂少遂少加水拌匀再加 yellow curry paste、椰奶、糖、花生醬、蜜糖攪匀即成~

chicken wings
soy sauce
white sugar
shaoxing wine
curry sauce

* Rinse chicken wings, drain well. Marinade with soy sauce, white sugar and shaoxing wine overnight.
* Slice ginger. Peel and cut potatoes into chunks, soak in cool water. Cut onions into pieces and set aside.
* Put oil in heated pan, stir-in ginger. Pan-fry chicken wings till both sides turn brown. Remove from pan.
* Put oil in heated pan, sauté onions and potatoes. Chicken wings back to pan, add water and curry sauce. Bring to a boil. Simmer over low-medium heat for about 15 minutes. Ready to serve.

Curry sauce:
* Put oil in heated pan, sauté curry powder and ground turmeric for a minute over medium heat. Gradually add in yellow curry paste, coconut paste, white sugar, peanut butter and honey. Sauté and stir till well combined.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Red Velvet Cupcake with Cream Cheese Frosting


2 1/4 cups flour
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup butter
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup milk
1 fluid ounce red food coloring
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Friday, June 18, 2010

紹菜肉丸冬粉 Mungbean Noodles with Pork Meatball and Napa Cabbage in Soup

自製豬肉波波, 絕不含防腐劑, 製法簡單, 你都試下整啦!~^^

e 隻濶條冬粉夠彈牙, 煮耐 d 都唔會爛, 唔錯唔錯!~ ;P


1. 紹菜切段洗淨。 豬肉用豉油、糖、鹽醃一會, 加少許水撈匀備用。
2. 水半煲加兩片薑, 加適量雞湯和蝦米煮滾。 豬肉用兩隻匙約略弄成圓形球狀一一放水中煮幾分鐘。
3. 冬粉、紹菜同放水中一齊煮一陣搞掂加少少豉油&榨菜, 食得!

- 醃絞豬肉整豬肉波波嘅醃料可以重手 d d, 因為煲下煲下會淡味左.
- 冬粉好索水呀, 所以起煲 d 水多少少都無緊要呢!~

ground pork
napa cabbage
mungbean noodles
chicken broth
preserved veggies (pickled mustard greens)
tiny dried shrimp
soy sauce

* Cut napa cabbage into strips, and rinse.
* Marinade ground pork with soy sauce, sugar and salt. Combine with a little bit of water. Set aside.
* In a medium pot, bring to a boil half pot of water with a bit of chicken broth, two slices of ginger and some tiny dried shrimps.
* Shape the ground pork into balls by using two spoons, drop into pot one by one and cook for a minute or two.
* Add napa cabbage and mungbean noodles, cook until well done. Add some soy sauce and preserved veggies. Ready to serve.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

薺菜咸魚蒸肉餅 Steamed Ground Pork with Sheperd's Purse and Salty Fish

幸運地有位北方人同事, 很會做很多麵點小吃, 耐唔耐佢就帶野食俾我架喇. 有包子又有粽子, 有時仲會有龍蝦蟹子飯團同埋韮菜盒子. yumm yumm!~ 佢唔單祗整俾我, 仲教埋我整 tim ar!~ super nice.. heehee~ 我喺佢度都偷左唔少師架. 佢俾左包薺菜我, 係用黎整菜肉包嘅~ 我整完包包用剩左 d, 就用黎整 e 個薺菜咸魚蒸肉餅啦!~ 聽聞薺菜好有益架, 撈埋 d 肉一齊蒸, 好好味呀!~ 菜肉包個賣相唔係好得, 唔係好見得人, 我要再接再勵, 我下次先 post 包包啦! ;P

食療知多 d:
"薺菜中胡蘿蔔素含量超過胡蘿蔔,鐵質含量超過菠菜,人體所必需的多種氨基酸和其他營養物質薺菜中幾乎全部具備。" (大紀元時報 > 香港報紙新聞 > 飲食文化> 野菜的識與食


1. 咸魚洗淨切半。 薺菜出水, 過冷河, 揸乾水, 切細細粒備用。
2. 絞豬肉用豉油、糖撈匀, 加少許水撈撈備用。
3. 混合薺菜和絞豬肉, 放不锈鋼碟約略鋪平, 上面放咸魚, 大火蒸十五分鐘即成。

sheperd's purse
salty fish
ground pork
soy sauce

* Cut salty fish into half.
* Parboil sheperd's purse, immerse in cold water, drain well, cut into little pieces and set aside.
* Marinade ground pork with soy sauce and sugar. Combine with a little bit of water.
* Stir together sheperd's purse and ground pork, briefly place onto a stainless steel shallow plate, add salty fish on top. Steam for about 15 minutes under high heat. Ready to serve.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

叉燒波菜煎蛋 BBQ Pork and Spinach Omelette

小朋友唔肯食 veggie, 點算? 試下將 d 菜菜加埋落煮嘅餸度, 唔覺唔覺可能又會食呢~ 大朋友食多 d 菜都係好啦! 上次斬大舊叉燒, 食唔晒, 於是諗下用黎整咩好. 本來想炒下米粉仔, 諗諗下都係唔好, 好耐無食蛋蛋, 就不如黎個叉燒波菜煎蛋啦!!~


1. 叉燒切粒, 蛋加少許鹽拂匀備用。
2. 波菜浸水洗淨去根部, 用滾水烚熟, 過冷河, 瀝乾水將波菜切細, 放蛋汁內。
3. 熱鑊落油, 倒入波菜蛋, 綽量做成圓形, 將叉燒粒平均地分佈於蛋上, 中火煎一分鐘。
4. 沿鑊邊加入兩湯匙水, 加蓋煮一分鐘左右, 用鑊鏟將蛋餅反轉, 煎至金黃搞掂上碟。

- 煎蛋時加少少水再焗一焗隻蛋, 咁樣會容易 d 熟同埋無咁乾身~ ^^

BBQ pork

* Cut BBQ pork into little pieces. In a medium bowl, beat eggs with some salt. Set aside.
* Remove stems of spinach, rinse well. Parboil for a minute, drain well, cut into little pieces and place into eggs.
* Put oil in heated pan, pour in the spinach egg mixture, gently make it a round shape and top with BBQ pork. Let it set and cook for a minute.
* Add two tablespoons of water around the edge of omelette, cover and cook for another minute. Flip the omelette by using spatula. Cook till the other side also turns brown. Ready to serve.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

洋蔥炆牛尾 Xotail Onion Stew

牛尾炆到好淋好入味呀!!~ e 個湯之前整過俾老豆食, 佢勁鍾意囉!!~ e+ 練習下遲 d 等佢過黎時再整俾佢食啦!!~ heehee~

你可以加層芝士係面, 就會變成法式洋蔥湯架喇!!~ ;P


1. 牛尾洗淨抹乾, 用鹽、胡椒粉醃一會備用。
2. 洋蔥切粒, 紅蘿白切粒備用。
3. 中火起鑊落牛油橄欖油, 將牛尾煎至四面金黃, 兜起備用 。
4. 熱鑊落牛油橄欖油, 爆香蒜蓉, 落洋蔥、紅蘿白一起爆香, 加水、雞湯、牛精煮滾, 下牛尾、莞茜碎炆一個小時, 放壓力煲焗過夜即成。

- 煲好後攤凍畢走面頭一層油, 無咁肥膩健康 d!~

Friday, June 11, 2010

[勁辣]咖哩魚蛋豬皮蘿白 Curry Fish Ball with Turnips and Pork Skin - Extra Hot

好辣好辣好辣呀!!!~ 不過個汁好正!! 我地食到 si-li-sir-lurk, 好盞 o~;D

上次留左碗勁辣咖哩醬, 用黎煮 e 個咖哩魚蛋豬皮蘿白. e 期係咁煮咖哩, 令我諗起喺日本 Yokohama 横濱嘅咖喱博物館. 嗰度有最好食嘅咖喱飯, 又有同咖喱文化有關嘅展覽, 同埋好多間唔同嘅咖哩餐廳, 可以一次過試暈晒! 不過好可惜...... 間咁得意嘅博物館喺兩三年前已經關門大吉左喇 ;(


1. 豬皮浸軟洗淨飛水, 瀝乾備用。
2. 蘿白去皮切件, 炸魚蛋洗淨飛水, 瀝乾備用。
3. 熱鑊落油, 爆香蒜蓉, 加蘿白炒香, 加水&雞湯, 煮大約十分鐘。
4. 加豬皮、魚蛋&咖哩醬, 攪匀, 加少許冰糖炆十五分鐘焗一陣搞掂食得。

- 熱鑊落油, 炒香咖哩粉&黃薑粉, 遂少遂少加水拌匀再加 yellow curry paste、椰奶、糖、花生醬、蜜糖攪匀即成, 鍾意的話仲可以落 d 海鮮醬~

- e 個咖哩魚蛋豬皮蘿白煮完浸一晚第二日食更入味更正!~

Thursday, June 10, 2010

日式咖哩蘋果薯仔雞 Japanese Curry with Chicken, Apple and Potatoes

用左 Vermont 日式咖哩磚, medium hot. 加個小 gala apple to make the curry sweet. Vermont 日式咖哩磚有一款係有蘋果味架, 不過我覺得加個新鮮蘋果落去煮仲好味 d!~ 送飯一流呀!!~ ;P


1. 雞肉洗淨, 抹乾, 用豉油、糖醃一會。
2. 薯仔去皮切件, 浸凍水備用。 紅蘿白、蘋果、洋蔥切粒備用。
3. 熱鑊落油, 爆香雞肉至金黃, 兜起備用。
4. 熱鑊落油, 爆香洋蔥, 加薯仔、紅蘿白、蘋果一齊炒, 雞肉回鑊同炒, 加水蓋過面煮十分鐘。
5. 熄火加咖哩磚, 將咖哩磚攪至完全溶解, 再開火煮滾, 收慢火煮五分鐘搞掂上碟。

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

咖哩魷魚圈炒芋絲 Curry Fried Shirataki with Squid Rings

今次 d 芋絲係一條條, 唔係一扎扎架. 炒起黎好似炒麵咁, 好搞笑. 食落有咬口, 幾好食, 不過今次 d 咖哩重手左, 對我 e d 唔係好食得辣嘅人黎講都真係幾辣吓!!~ ;P

芋絲、魷魚圈、黃薑粉、咖哩粉、yellow curry paste、水、椰奶、糖、花生醬、蜜糖

1. 魷魚圈解凍, 芋絲洗淨分別飛水, 瀝乾水備用。
2. 熱鑊落油, 炒香咖哩粉&黃薑粉, 遂少遂少加水拌匀再加 yellow curry paste、椰奶、糖、花生醬、蜜糖攪匀。
3. 芋絲、魷魚圈回鑊輕輕撈匀搞掂食得。

- e 個咖哩汁可以煮多 d, 喺芋絲和魷魚圈回鑊之前畢起 d 黎留番黎煮蘿白魚蛋豬皮呀!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Loco Moco 洋蔥漢堡扒蛋飯 Hamburger Patty with Egg and Rice

洋蔥梳打餅漢堡扒加煎蛋 with 茄喼汁好醒胃! 整大塊 d 做一人一碟, 簡單方便~

e 個 dish 又有個好 cute 嘅名, 叫做 Loco Moco. 源自 Hawaii. Loco 嘅意思又解作 "crazy"~

話說喺好多年前, 有一班小朋友, 唔係有好多銀両買野食, 當時嘅漢堡包好貴, 於是, 有一個別號叫 "Crazy" 嘅小朋友, 問餐廳嘅老板可唔可以將 d 飯放碟上, 加塊漢堡扒, 再加 d gravy 喺面. 個老板收 e 個嘅價錢比漢堡包平好多, 於是乎, e 個 dish 就被改名做 Loco Moco 嘞. 個小朋友別號叫 "Crazy", 係因為佢踼足球踼得好 crazy, hahahaa.. 而 Moco 係無乜 meaning 嘅, 只係攞個音壓下韻咁囉!~ ;)

煎隻糖心蛋, 食時整穿個黃, 撈埋 d 牛肉呀, 飯呀, 醬汁一啖一口咁食, taste of paradise!!~ ;D


1. 洋蔥切細粒, 梳打餅弄碎。
2. 茄汁、喼汁、糖、水、蒜蓉芫茜粉在碗內攪匀做醬汁。
3. 熱鑊落油, 爆香 1/4 洋蔥粒至金黃, 加醬汁煮一會, 埋生粉薄芡, 畢起備用。
3. 免治牛肉用豉油、糖和少許雞湯撈匀醃一會, 加洋蔥和梳打餅拌匀, 做成圓餅形。
4. 熱鑊落油, 將牛肉餅煎香至金黃, 加少許水, 加蓋焗半分鐘搞掂上碟, 淋上醬汁即成。

Friday, June 4, 2010

Tuna Rice Ball 吞拿魚飯團 Onigiri

又有新野喇!!~ Onigiri 好易整架咋~ 大人小朋友都鍾意. 我今次又係一貫地懶, 用 Bumble Bee pre-mixed tuna salad 做餡. 都好好食 lor!!~ 如果有心思嘅話, 可以用龍蝦肉 + masago + mayo 做餡. 超正!~ ;D

Thursday, June 3, 2010


嘩!!!~ 成隻雞連骨點搞呀?!?! 唔洗驚~ 買已經斬左件嘅雞就得啦!! 又俾我發現韓國人超級市場有成隻斬左件嘅雞賣, 真開心!!!~ 整 e 個金針冬菇雲耳蒸雞, 個人認為要用有骨嘅雞先至係至原汁原味至係正!~ ;P

為左健康理由, Bon Steamed Chicken 是好過 Kentucky Fried Chicken!!!~ ;P
傳聞金針冬菇雲耳蒸雞, 是一道歷久不衰的養顏美容名菜, 能解鬱除煩的菜式 wor! 咁, 我都信一 d 俾生完 BB 媽媽級食得嘅餸, 差極都唔會差得去邊嘅! heehee

食療知多 d~
冬菇: 降血脂、降高血壓、降膽固醇
金針: 性味甘涼, 有清熱利濕, 排毒、鎮靜安神
雲耳: 味甘、性平, 潤肺生津、益氣、強心補腦、降血脂、通血管
紅棗: 強心補血、補脾胃

雞、冬菇、金針、雲耳、紅棗 、薑、生抽、老抽、糖、鹽、蠔油、麻油

1. 雞洗淨抹乾, 用生抽、老抽、糖、鹽醃過夜備用。
2. 冬菇浸軟去蒂, 金針、雲耳、紅棗浸軟備用。
3. 薑切片, 雞再用少許蠔油、麻油撈匀, 跟所有材料一起隔水大火蒸三十五分鐘即成。

- 我 d 雞比較大舊, 所以要蒸三十五分鐘, 中途水乾仲要加滾水同埋反下 d 雞, 如果你 d 雞係細舊 d 同埋蒸嗰時無疊住嘅話, 就唔洗蒸咁耐同埋唔洗反雞. Enjoy!~

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

蕃茄洋蔥西芹碎牛意粉 Thin Spaghetti with Ground Beef, Onions and Celery in Tomato Sauce

我返黎喇!!~ ;) Long weekend 假期就咁就完結了. 真係唔捨得都唔得. e+ 開始 plan 下個假期的計劃. 努力工作, 為了有更好的生活嘛.. 無論你嘅職業係乜, 做得開心就固然係好得要感恩, 但如果做得唔開心嘅, 就要從唔開心中找開心了. 因為無論在那裡做事, 都會有遇到問題或唔如意嘅地方. 環境不變, 別人不變, 可以改變的, 是自己的心態和想法.. 廚房, 對我黎講, 係一個幫我減壓的地方. 如何煮得最省時不費力, 是我最喜歡硏究的東西, hahahaa.. 至於好唔好食喇喎, e d 野好主觀嘅啫, 我覺得好食, 可能你覺得唔好食; 你覺得好食時, 可能我又會話唔好食, 所以, 好食就食多 d, 唔好食就食少 d, 教小朋友都係一樣啦, 唔好太遷就, 唔係寵壞晒, 到佢地大個時就慘了.. ;)

紅汁蕃茄洋蔥西芹肉醬意粉, 港式得黎都唔係幾港式~ ;P


1. 幼意粉用一大煲水煮五分鐘, 隔水備用。
2. 絞牛肉用豉油、糖、雞粉、蒜蓉莞茜粉, 加點水搞匀, 醃一會。 洋蔥、西芹切粒。
3. 熱鑊落油, 先將蒜蓉爆香, 再落洋蔥同爆, 炒一分鐘兜起。
4. 熱鑊落油, 爆香絞牛肉, 邊煎邊用鑊鏟整碎, 炒至五成熟, 加蕃茄粒和蕃茄醬, 洋蔥、西芹回鑊, 加點水, 加蓋煮滾再炆四分鐘左右, 搞掂兜起上碟。

thin spaghetti
ground beef
1 can diced tomato
1 can tomato sauce
minced garlic
soy sauce
white sugar
chicken broth powder
garlic parsley powder

* Cook thin spaghetti in boiling water for about 5 minutes. Drain and set aside.
* Marinade ground beef with soy sauce, white sugar, a bit of chicken broth powder, garlic parsley powder and some water. Dice onions and celery.
* Put oil in heated pan, add garlic, stir fry and add onions. Fry for a minute and remove from pan.
* Put oil in heated pan, add ground beef, cut into little pieces by the blade of spatula, fry till medium well. Add diced tomato and tomato sauce. Onions and celery back to the pan, add some water, cover, bring to a boil and simmer for about 4 minutes. Ready to serve.