Tuesday, May 11, 2010

蟹肉火腿釀蘑菇 Stuffed Mushrooms with Crab and Ham

我的至愛 - 蟹肉火腿釀蘑菇!!!~ ;D
以前去 J.J. Cafe 都會叫黎食. 出去外面叫蟹肉火腿釀蘑菇都幾唔抵食架. 價錢同你叫個燴飯差唔多, 但係食唔飽人嘅. 自己整其實超容易, 只要將 d 蟹柳 & 火腿切細細粒再撈埋奇妙醬放到菇菇上攞去焗爐焗就得架喇.

蘑菇、蟹柳、火腿、bacon bits、grated cheddar cheese、奇妙醬

1. 蘑菇去蒂, 用掃掃乾淨, 用清水略沖。
2. 蟹柳、火腿切微粒, 放碗中加少許 bacon bits & 奇妙醬撈匀。
3. 把蟹柳火腿混合物釀入蘑菇中, 放已掃油焗盤上, 再加少許 grated cheddar cheese。
4. 放入已預熱的焗爐用 350˚F 焗十五分鐘左右. 再用高溫 broil 兩分鐘即成。

- 蘑菇唔好用水浸黎洗, 因為菇菇好索水架. 用個掃掃下佢再用水沖一沖就得架喇~

imitation crab meat
bacon bits
grated cheddar cheese
miracle whip

* Remove stems from mushrooms, use a brush to swipe the mushrooms clean and roughly rinse with water.
* Minced crab meat and ham. In a medium bowl, mix in bacon bits and miracle whip till well combined.
* Fill the cap of mushrooms with round spoonfuls of filling and place them onto slightly greased baking pan. Sprinkle top with grated cheddar cheese.
* Bake in 350˚F preheated oven for about 15 minutes. Broil for 2 minutes with high heat. Ready to serve.

- Fresh mushrooms don't need much cleaning and shouldn't be immersed in water. Just a couple of swipes with a brush and gently rinse will do.

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