Sunday, May 9, 2010

瑤柱冬菇扒節瓜 Fuzzy Melon with Shitake Mushrooms and Dried Scallops

尋曰參加左朋友個婚禮, 又有機會見返 d 好耐無見嘅舊朋友, 真係好開心, 更開心嘅就係, 原來有好多人一直默默支持我 e 個 blog, 成日追黎睇, 同埋有試我 d recipes 呢!~ 雖然無乜人留言, 但當我知道有人鐘意我個 blog, 真係好開心架!!~ 我會用我有限嘅時間, 盡力做我有能力做嘅野^^ thank you 晒呀!!~

瑤柱冬菇肉絲, 好好嘅配料, 用黎扒乜都得架, 扒豆腐又得, 扒節瓜又得, 好味又方便. 食多 d 瓜類, 飽肚又唔肥. 加埋瑤柱, 小餸也可以出得大堂了. 今日天氣好好, 有太陽又有微風, 我要去打 range~ 大家試下煮, 然後話我聽效果點啦!~ ^^


1. 薑切絲, 瑤柱浸軟, 冬菇浸軟去蒂切絲, 水留用。
2. 豬肉洗淨切絲, 加少許豉油、糖、麻油醃十五分鐘。
3. 節瓜去皮切件, 用滾水煮二十五分鐘左右, 畢起放碟。
4. 熱鑊落油, 爆薑片, 豬肉炒至七成熟, 放瑤柱和冬菇一起炒。
5. 加入少許瑤柱水、冬菇水和雞湯, 少許蠔油、豉油、糖兜匀。
6. 加蓋煮八分鐘埋杰生粉芡兜起搞掂放節瓜上即成。

fuzzy melon
shitake mushroom
dried scallops
soy sauce
sesame oil
oyster sauce
chicken broth

* Slice ginger. Soak dried scallops in water. Soak shitake mushrooms in water till soft, remove stems and slice into pieces.
* Rinse pork, cut into pieces. Marinade with soy sauce, sugar and sesame oil.
* Peel fuzzy melon and cut into big chucks. Boil in water for about 25 minutes. Drain and put on plate.
* Put oil into heated pan. Pan-fry ginger, then add pork and fry till medium well. Add shitake mushrooms and dried scallops, fry together.
* Add a little bit of the soaked shitake mushroom water, dried scallop water and chicken broth. Stir with oyster sauce, soy sauce and sugar.
* Cover and cook for about 8 minutes. Add some cornstarch water, stir well. Serve on fuzzy melon.

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