Thursday, May 20, 2010

忌廉湯餐肉螺絲粉 Fusilli Pasta with Spam in Cream of Chicken

Pasta 有好多種, 有粗有幼, 有通心嘅, 有螺絲形, 蝴蝶形, 貝殼形 etc. 有人問我, 點解 d 意大利人將 d pasta 整成咁多種唔同形狀唔同大細嘅? 我諗唔同形狀大細嘅 pasta 有唔同口感, 用來配合唔同醬汁同食材. 螺絲粉叫 Fusilli. 意大利人話 pasta 係佢地發明, 但亦有人相信呢 d 麵條, 早喺於公元一二七幾年係馬可勃羅帶入意大利嘅. 意大利有個 Museum of Pasta 位於羅馬, 都幾 interesting. 有機會去羅馬自由行就去 Museum of Pasta 睇睇!

e 個忌廉湯餐肉螺絲粉, 係男朋友仔煮架. 十個 good!!~ ^^
餐肉用左 turkey spam. 無咁肥吖嘛.

Cream of Chicken 罐頭忌廉湯、水、螺絲粉、紅蘿白、午餐肉、雜豆

1. 午餐肉切片, 紅蘿白去皮切片, 雜豆飛水。
2. 把螺絲粉放大煲水中煮六至八分鐘, 隔水備用。
3. 燒熱鑊, 煎香午餐肉, 兜起。
4. 忌廉湯放煲內加水煮滾, 放紅蘿白、雜豆同煮一會, 加午餐肉螺絲粉拌匀再煮一分鐘上碟食得。

- 煎午餐肉用易潔鑊煎就唔洗落油, 因為午餐肉會出好多油. 油上加油就好肥啦!

cream of chicken
fusilli pasta
turkey spam
mixed veggies

* Slice turkey spam. Peel and slice carrots. Blanch mixed veggies.
* Cook fusilli pasta in boiling water for 6 to 8 minutes. Drain and set aside.
* Fry turkey spam in heated pan till toasty.
* Put cream of chicken into a pot with some water and bring it to a boil. Add carrots and mixed veggies. Add turkey spam and fusilli pasta, combine well. Cook for another minute. Ready to serve.

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