Thursday, April 8, 2010

Steel cut oatmeal with egg white, banana and brown sugar

Oatmeal is good for you, I think we all know that. However, I'm not a fan of instant, quick 1-minute, nor old-fashioned rolled oatmeal like the Quakers you usually find on the shelves in grocery stores. If you dislike rolled oatmeal like I do, you WILL like steel cut oatmeal! After my first try of steel cut oatmeal awhile ago at Jamba Juice when they had a promotion introducing the new slow cook oatmeal on the menu, I fell in love at first bite. XD It got a chewy, dense, al dente texture and a nutty taste which rolled oatmeal does not have. It is full of flavor itself and I found it is best served with sliced banana and brown sugar on top. Eat it fairly hot and consume before the sugar is completely melted. That's the oatmeal you would call Breakfast!

1/2 cup steel cut oats
2 cups of water
1 egg white

* Bring water to a boil, stir in oats.
* Simmer uncovered over low heat for 25 minutes. Stir occasionally.
* Stir in egg white, gently mix together. Cook for one minute.
* Turn off heat and put lid on. Let stand for 10 minutes.
* Sprinkle brown sugar on top and serve with sliced banana.

It is worth the time cooking and it tastes even better the next day. Put the cooked oatmeal in a bowl and just place a piece of plastic wrap directly onto the oatmeal. Reheat it in microwave in the morning, then add banana and brown sugar. Vio-la!~

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